Procurement Council



As a member of CPPC, you receive…

  • invitations to workshops, seminars and briefing sessions with key players in the public procurement community in Canada;
  • the CPPC job board for posting new positions in your organization or for notification of new job opportunities available to further your career;
  • quick links to organizations that can provide support to your day-to-day challenges;
  • contact details available immediately for other public procurement professionals through the membership directory;
  • opportunities to be involved in reviewing new documents, research reports and best practice presentations on public procurement in their developmental stages;
  • reference material and tools made available to members only through the CPPC website;
  • financial savings for your organization for the Canadian Public Procurement Forum.

Moreover, you will be able to:

  • make direct contact with other public procurement organizations in your sector and at other levels of government across the country;
  • share your knowledge and experience in public procurement;
  • exchange ideas and information within the profession, in an effort to develop leading practices for the public sector procurement community;
  • profile your organization and the initiatives you are taking with your procurement team;
  • access methods and tools being used by other public procurement practitioners;
  • find the materials and contacts to enable you to develop both professionally and personally.

Before completing the membership application form, make sure you know in which membership category you should register.

Join online

Join the CPPC and pay my membership annual fees by credit card using your online secure solution.


    Representative of your organization with access to CPPC services.

    Other Individuals in Your Organization

    Following approval of your organization’s membership, other individuals in your organization will have access to CPPC services by registering individually on the CPPC website.


    Submitting your application will send your information to our office for processing and update our membership contact information databases.

    Questions? If you have any questions, please call 418-809-1543 or contact the Canadian Public Procurement Council.


    Join the CPPC and pay my membership annual fees by cheque.


      Representative of your organization with access to CPPC services.

      Other Individuals in Your Organization

      Following approval of your organization’s membership, other individuals in your organization will have access to CPPC services by registering individually on the CPPC website.


      Submitting your application will send your information to our office for processing and update our membership contact information databases.

      If you are paying by check, please send your payment to the Canadian Public Procurement Council at PO Box 44534, Lévis, Quebec G7A 4X5. Please note that your membership will not be completed until payment is received.

      Questions? If you have any questions, please contact François Emond at 418-809-1543 or contact the Canadian Public Procurement Council.

      Membership Categories

      Canadian public agencies

      Membership fees based on the size of the Procurement staff.

      Agency – Type A (Yearly fees: $325,00)

      3 procurement or procurement policy staff or less – 1 Representative with voting rights + up to 2 additional members with access to services only

      Agency – Type B (Yearly fees: $525,00)

      4 to 10 procurement or procurement policy staff or less – 1 Representative with voting rights + up to 9 additional members with access to services only

      Agency – Type C (Yearly fees: $750,00)

      11 to 50 procurement or procurement policy staff – 1 Representative with voting rights + up to 49 additional members with access to services only

      Agency – Type D (Yearly fees: $1000,00)

      Greater than 50 procurement or procurement policy staff – 1 Representative with voting rights + an unlimited additional members with access to services only

      Individual – Retired, Student or Faculty (Yearly fees: $100,00)

      1, access to services only

      International membership (Yearly fees: $500,00 in Canadian Currency)

      Open to any public agency from Outside of Canada

      Private Sector (Yearly fees: $2000.00)

      Open to any private organization having a place of business in Canada

      Download our brochure

      All membership applications from any categories are subject to approval by the CPPC Board of Directors.
      Contact us!